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Miss Smith’s students, friends, and collaborators over the years.

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Hear what she has done for her students in their own words. Who did what and where and how did it help?Where did they start, and where are they going?

Words from her students »

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Miss Smith's Adult Performance Class is designed to offer a venue to practice the art of public performance. This is not a traditional open mic but it IS the place to prepare you for open mics. Here, we will make sure your music can be read by a pianist, is in the correct key, is complete and is the correct arrangement. This is the place to test your memory. Led with humor from the piano, Stephanie Lynne Smith is "Miss Smith," the drill sergeant with a heart of gold. Poetry, spoken word, monologues, speeches, jokes and the like are welcome. Miss Smith's is intended for general performance practice.

Please note that Miss Smith is unable to invite children to her events at this time. Classes are age 16 and up unless otherwise specified. There is no censorship of subject matter. Please keep your monologue, song, poem, sermon, or the like to 5 minutes. If you need to practice something longer, please let Miss Smith know in advance and she will design the class accordingly.

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